Home Science & Technology PHYSICS NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS by Dr. A. B. Gupta


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Quick Overview

Dr. A. B. Gupta
First Published: 2021
Revised Reprint: 2024
ISBN: 978-81-948455-6-0
Pages: 580


- General Properties of Nuclei
- Radioactivity
- Nuclear decays : a, b and g Rays
- Nuclear Force and Two-body Problem
- Particle Accelerators
- Interaction of Radiations with Matter
- Nuclear Radiation Detectors
- Nuclear Reactions
- Nuclear Models
- Neutron Physics and Nuclear Energy
- Cosmic Rays
- Elementary Particles: Particle Physics
- Appendices


This is an advanced undergraduate textbook that provides an excellent, clear and concise introduction to the subject and is meant for students majoring in Physics, Engineering and other allied disciplines. Some key features of the book are:
- Focuses on contemporary developments including the recent discovery of the Higgs boson.
- Physical theory introduced straight forward with step-by-step mathematical derivation.
- Distinctive presentation style combines clarity with admirable rigour.
- End-of-chapter exercises, graded by difficulty, provide a deeper understanding of the subject.


Dr. A.B. Gupta was Professor and Head of the Physics Unit and Dean of the Indian Statistical Institute, an internationally reputed research institute and a deemed Central University. Graduating with Honours in Physics from Presidency College, Calcutta he completed his M.Sc. and Ph.D. from Calcutta University. He did his Ph.D. under self-guidance. He had the fortune to be associated with academic luminaries either as their student or junior colleague. They are Professors S.N. Bose, M.N. Saha, S.K. Mitra, P.C. Mahalanobis, J.B.S. Haldane and C.R. Rao. With more than three decades of teaching and research experience, he supervised a number of Ph.D.’s and published about 50 research papers in various journals – national and international. He has authored more than a dozen books on higher physics and two research monographs. He attended a large number of international and national conferences and delivered invited talks. He visited, with academic assignments, Japan, U.K., France, Switzerland, Italy, and U.S.A.       
In the eighties, Dr. A.B. Gupta gravitated into the field of ‘Bioengineering and Skin’. His papers in investigative dermatology by applying physics drew the attention of dermatologists both for their contents and flavour of physics. He was made a life member of the Indian Association of Dermatologists (IADVL), a member of the Innovative Committee, and honoured by their prestigious ‘Ambadi Oration Award’. In recognition of his contribution to Bioengineering, he was admitted in 1984 to the membership of the International Society of Bioengineering, U.K. In 1985, he was invited by the National Hansen Institute in Carville, Louisiana, U.S.A. to deliver a series of lectures on ‘Measurement of insensitivity in Hansen’s disease’ by his new device ‘Thermosense’. Science apart, he is known for his literary activities for which he received the National Award in Children's Literature in 1961. He was a social activist in the field of blood donation and the popularisation of science and founded a number of science clubs, libraries, schools, and a Degree college. In appreciation of all these, he was felicitated by the Indian Medical Association.

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