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Quick Overview

Dr. Rajadorai Suresh
First Published: 2012
ISBN: 978-81-87134-58-9
Pages: 843


SECTION 1: General Physiology
- Internal Environment and Homeostasis
- The Body Fluids
- The Cell
- Membrane Transport Mechanisms
- Receptors and Signal Transduction Mechanisms
- Apoptosis
- Examination Study Guide

SECTION 2: Blood
- Composition of Blood
- Plasma and Plasma Proteins
- Erythrocytes
- Haemoglobin
- Leucocytes
- Platelets 
- Haematopoiesis
- Haemostasis and Blood Coagulation
- Blood Groups and Transfusion
- Anaemias and Polycythaemia
- Body Defence Mechanisms
- The Spleen
- Examination Study Guide

SECTION 3: Muscle
- Introduction
- The Skeletal Muscle—Structure
- Contraction of the Skeletal Muscle
- Properties of Skeletal Muscles
- The Smooth Muscle
- Examination Study Guide

SECTION 4: The Gastrointestinal System
- Introduction
- Structure of the G.I. Tract
- Motility of the G.I. Tract
- Gastrointestinal Hormones
- Secretory Functions of the G.I. Tract
- Digestion and Absorption of Foodstuffs
- The Liver
- Disorders of the G.I. System
- Examination Study Guide

SECTION 5: The Kidney
- Introduction
- Structure of the Kidney
- Renal Blood Flow
- Mechanisms of Renal Function
- Glomerular Filtration
- Tubular Function
- Concentration and Dilution of Urine
- Renal Regulation of Osmolality and Volume of Body Fluids
- Renal Regulation of Acid-Base Balance
- Renal Function in Health and Disease
- Renal Function Tests
- Micturition
- Examination Study Guide

SECTION 6: Skin and The Regulation of Body Temperature
- The Skin—Structure and Function
- Regulation of Body Temperature
- Examination Study Guide

SECTION 7: The Endocrine System
- General Principles of Endocrine Function
- Hypothalamus
- Pituitary Gland
- The Thyroid Gland
- Calcium and Phosphate Metabolism
- The Endocrine Pancreas
- The Adrenal Gland
- Endocrine Functions of the Kidney
- The Pineal Gland
- The Thymus Gland
- Endocrine Functions of the Heart, Adipose Tissue and Vascular Endothelium 
-  Examination Study Guide

SECTION 8: The Reproductive System 
- Development of the Reproductive System
- The Male Reproductive System
- The Female Reproductive System
- Fertilization, Pregnancy and Lactation
- Physiology of Foetus and the Newborn
- Examination Study Guide

SECTION 9: The Cardiovascular System 
- Introduction
- Structure of the Heart
- Electrophysiology of the Heart
- Mechanical Properties of the Heart
- Electrocardiogram
- Cardiac Cycle
- Cardiac Valves and Heart Sounds
- Cardiac Output
- The Vascular System
- Haemodynamics
- Vasomotor Control and Regulation
- Arterial Blood Pressure
- Arterial Pulse
- Capillaries
- Veins
- Cardiovascular Adjustments in Exercise
- Coronary Circulation
- Cerebral Circulation
-  Cutaneous Circulation and Splanchnic Circulation
- Abnormal Cardiovascular States
- The Lymphatic System
- Examination Study Guide

SECTION 10: The Respiratory System
- Introduction
- Functional Anatomy of the Respiratory Tract
- Mechanics of Breathing
- Alveolar Ventilation
- Gas Exchange in the Lungs
- Pulmonary Circulation
- Transport of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
- Regulation of Ventilation
Respiratory Adaptations
- Hypoxia, Cyanosis, Oxygen Toxicity and Asphyxia
- Respiratory Function–Applied Physiology
-  Examination Study Guide

SECTION 11: Nerve and Synapse 
- Morphology of the Neuron
- Physiological Properties of the Neuron
- Synapse
- Synaptic Transmission
- Examination Study Guide

SECTION 12: The Central Nervous System
- Introduction
- The Cerebrospinal Fluid
- Sensation and Sensory Receptors
- Spinal Cord–Structure
- Spinal Cord–Ascending Tracts
- Spinal Cord–Descending Tracts
- Spinal Cord–Reflex Action
- Pain
- Spinal Cord–Applied Physiology
- The Brainstem–Structure and Function
- The Postural Reflexes
- Cerebellum
- Reticular Formation
- Basal Ganglia
- Thalamus
- The Hypothalamus
- The Limbic System
- The Cerebral Cortex
- Electroencephalogram and Sleep
- Learning and Memory
- Speech and Language
- Examination study guide

SECTION 13: The Autonomic Nervous System

SECTION 14: Special Senses 
- Functional Anatomy of the Ear
- Physiology of Hearing
- Vestibular Apparatus and Vestibular Function
- Structure of the Eye
- Image Formation in the Eye
- The Retina
- Central mechanisms of Visual Perception
- The Chemical Senses
- Sense of Taste–Sense of Smell
-  Examination Study Guide
-  Key to MCQs


- Student-friendly, all-in-one book of Physiology, written for the students of Medical, Dental, Paramedical, Physiotherapy, Homeopathy, Nursing, and others studying Physiology as one of the subjects
- Easy to read two-column print format
- Lucid presentation of all topics with special attention to the difficult topics/systems (eg. CNS)
- A well-structured Examination Study Guide with commonly asked questions and MCQs for every system
- Easily reproducible simple diagrams and flow-charts
- An Introduction is given at the beginning of some of the important systems
- Written by a CMC (Vellore) alumnus with 40 years of teaching experience in Physiology in Prestigious Medical colleges at Manipur, Chennai, and Bangalore
- A Bonus to the Students - The author is available for free interactive sessions at: suresh.rajadorai@gmail.com

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dr. R. Suresh, M.Sc., Ph.D., was a Professor of Physiology (Retd), at the Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal, Manipur. He has been a teacher of physiology to medical students for many years and is eminently qualified to have undertaken this task. His book gives an account of not only the fundamental concepts of the subject essential for any student of physiology but also explains the mechanisms involved in physiological processes, citing experimental evidence where needed.

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