Home Engineering & Technical ARCHITECTURE/CIVIL TEXTBOOK OF TOWN PLANNING by Abir Bandyopadhyay



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Abir Bandyopadhyay
First Published: 2000
Reprints: 3
ISBN: 978-81-87134-65-7
Pages: 236


Unit I: History and Development of Settlement Planning
- Early Civilisations
- History of Towns in India
- The Industrial Revolution
Unit II
- Principles and Process of Planning
- Planning Theory
- The Master Plans and the Landuses
- Transport Planning
- Housing
- Neighbourhoods
- City and Metropolitan Planning
- Planning of Central Areas of Towns 
- Legislators in Planning
- Urban Local Bodies
Unit III
- Rural Planning
Unit IV
- Glossary
- Appendix
- Excerpts from Paper published by the author
- Index
- Recommended Readings

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Abir Bandyopadhyay, Prof. & Head, Department of Architecture, National Institute of Technology, Raipur (C.G.)

ABOUT THE BOOK: Developments of cities and towns are as old as the civilization of mankind. Towns started developing as centers of commerce and as units of defense against alien forces. Slowly and gradually, in due course of time, towns started development as centers of business and industrial activities, and also as a hub of administration. Thus economics started playing a key role in the development of the cities. Lately, we also have started understanding that all of our ‘developmental’ activities play a role in shaping and reshaping our environment, which is sometimes very detrimental for our future generations. Today, Planning has become a science of allocating chunks of scarce resources in a pre-conceived manner. Resources, like natural wealth, money, time, and workforce are available in limited quantities and it is up to the Planners to decide how to use these resources appropriately for the betterment of our future, by exerting the least amount of stress on the environment. Though planning alone will not solve the problems of the Urban community, neither it can control the dilapidation of the scarce natural resources, but a study of planning will definitely help to generate consciousness of the ills of irrational usage of the natural resources.

This book is a part of my contribution to the students studying the subject of Town Planning in various universities in India as the future architects, engineers, and town planners will play a very important role in shaping the fate of our country. Although written to serve as a text and a reference book for the students of town planning, the book will also be of special value to professionals. It will serve to systematize instructions in the 67 Cell & Molecular Catalogue planning field given through departments of Architecture, Civil Engineering, and Urban planning and is compiled to match with the syllabi of most of the Indian universities. The current universility of the planning profession has broadened the horizons for the persons in or entering the field. Professionals, now, cannot only restrict themselves with the regulations of land use or building bye-laws, but also they must understand the implication of all the regulations of a proper development system.

To give them a better understanding of this system, they must know the history — how the ancient cities were made a how the cities grew in the past. leaning the positive and the negative aspects of the development of the towns in the past, they will better understand how and why certain things are practiced at present. Thus, they can apprehend the business of Town Planning in a better way and consequently they will be capable to take the decisions of developing our future cities in a proper manner.

The book will serve the purpose of all who are interested to know the business of city planning. Matters of this book are written point-wise, in a concise manner, so that it can serve as a ready reference for anybody. Instead of going to a greater depth on any topic, the book features important aspects of town planning a gives a general insight into the subject to the reader.

For sake of convenience, the book has been presented in three units; the first deals with the History of Town Planning. The second with the Board Processes of Town Planning as practiced in India and abroad, and the third deals with Rural Planning. The important theories of town planning, which are worth mentioning, are included in the second unit to give an idea of the present (and the past) trends in the thoughts behind the development of the cities. Policymaking, the importance of management systems, the importance of the legislations related to Planning are also added to give a better insight into the planning system. Town planning is in actuality a combination of various other streams of specializations like demography, social sciences, economics, management systems, etc. But in this book stress is mostly given to the ‘Physical’ part of planning which includes Transport Planning, Housing, Neighbourhood Planning, and the matters related to the Inner Cities of the Metropolis.

A chapter on Rural Planning has been added at the end of the book to established the fact that countries like India cannot develop if the spine of our civilization, i.e. the villages, are neglected in the developmental process. Planning of the villages in India is extremely important to stop the in-migration of the people of the bigger towns, and the chapter highlights the various actions taken up by the Government of India to improve the condition of our rural areas.

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